
Stop Overseas Imports Its Destroying American Industries – Removable Bumper Sticker


Long Overdue!


Product Description

Get Your

“Stop Overseas imports its destroying American Industries”

Bumper Sticker Today!

Those “USA PROUD” spoke to expressed since our Government sold us out years ago by selling our technology America’s position in the world  has SPIRALED DOWN and the US of A has never been the same.  In addition to allowing job outsourcing and low taxes on imports that increase the profits of big businesses. 
As President, Trump is making changes to increase taxes on overseas imports.  The big question now is once a business has to pay the increased taxes will our government set laws in place that will prevent these businesses from passing the increased taxed amount onto the American Consumer.
This tax increase change is bi-fold.
The first change is to increase the import taxed amounts.
The second change is for our government to prevent businesses from passing that increased cost onto the American Consumer.
If these changes are not done simultaneously the only thing the increase in taxes will do is put more money into hands of the government officials who already stink at managing our tax dollars and ultimately increase the cost of the products for the American Consumer.   Therefore failing to benefit the American People.
It is a privilege to do business in the  United States of America. Stop allowing Big Business to Gouge the American People.  Do not let those who engage in poor business ethics do business in the USA. 


Click on “If I were President” page 
and tell us what are the first 5 things you would change
“If you were President”.
If you have an opinion on this topic 
Go to blog page or and voice your opinion.
Get your stickers, voice your political position
and Fly your Flags Today with Pride for Change!!
If and only if you are “PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN”
This is a removable bumper sticker remove at any time.


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